The sequel to the computer game Heretic continues the first-person fantasy combat that distinguished its predecessor. Instead of guiding a lone protagonist, you can now choose from three distinct characters: a fighter, cleric, or mage. Each character possesses special abilities and is individually rated in four attributes: speed, armor, magic, and strength. Characters can acquire up to four class-specific weapons to use against an assortment of evil creatures. In addition to the melee- and projectile-based combat, the game features several puzzles and traps to overcome or avoid.
The sequel to the computer game Heretic continues the first-person fantasy combat that distinguished its predecessor. Instead of guiding a lone protagonist, you can now choose from three distinct characters: a fighter, cleric, or mage. Each character possesses special abilities and is individually rated in four attributes: speed, armor, magic, and strength. Characters can acquire up to four class-specific weapons to use against an assortment of evil creatures. In addition to the melee- and projectile-based combat, the game features several puzzles and traps to overcome or avoid.
You'll witness poison darts, spikes, crushing walls, collapsing bridges, earthquakes, bottomless pits, and other dangers while activating switches or finding keys to trigger events. Locate ancient artifacts to imbue your character with new powers. The single-player adventure spans five episodes, each comprised of multiple levels linked together by "hubs." Unlike the computer versions of Hexen, this PlayStation version does not feature multiplayer support. A memory card with 15 free blocks is required to save progress. Like its predecessor, Hexen uses an enhanced version of the Doom engine to create its pseudo-3D worlds.
Choose from three playable character classes, each offering distinct weapons and special abilities
Avoid an assortment of devious traps while navigating indoor and outdoor regions
Save progress to memory card
Manufacturer's description:
While you were battling the evil forces of D'Sparil, the other Serpent Riders were busy sowing the seeds of destruction in other dimensions. One such dimension is the decaying world where Hexen takes place. A world littered with the mangled corpses of nonbelievers. Only three humans - a warrior, a mage and a cleric - have escaped the leaders' vicious spell. Now these brave souls have sworn to crush the evil regime that threatens to destroy the world forever.
Become one of three heroes. Wield superhuman powers and lethal weapons.
Walk. Run Fly. Look all around. Inflict serious pain.
Pillage your way through earthquakes, crumbling bridges and fog.
Track down powerful artifacts and cast wicked spells.
First person perspective.
2D graphics
Cartoon graphics
Medieval Fantasy theme.