Created by Jack Kirby and Stan Lee for Marvel Comics in 1962, The Incredible Hulk has appeared in hundreds of comic books, a television series, a cartoon series, and a handful of made-for-television movies. His likeness, while not quite as familiar as Spider-Man's, has been featured on countless toys, action figures, games, and T-shirts.
The Incredible Hulk - The Pantheon Saga is the big green guy's first appearance on the Sony PlayStation. In this 14 level punch-and-kickfest, he has been captured by members of the Pantheon. They intend to use his body for experimentation. As the transport ship reaches the Pantheon base, though, the ship crashes at the landing site, freeing Hulk to smash, destroy, and get revenge on his captors. Hulk can hit and kick opponents, windows, walls, and anything else that gets in his way. He is also capable of a variety of special moves including a booming Sonic Clap, a shattering Floor Smash, and a sweeping Vortex Spin.
Manufacturer's description:
Don't make me angry... YOU WOULDN'T LIKE ME WHEN I'M ANGRY!
Marvel Comics Incredible Hulk barges his way into the Pantheon Saga! He encounters a team of Super Heroes dedicated to helping him become a hero. Hulk must use his Gamma spawned powers to survive impossible odds against a familiar cast of notorious Super-Villains: the interstellar madman Trauma, the mutant Piecemeal, and the deadly U-Foes. These villains make his path to heroism increasingly dangerous. Thankfully for the Hulk, the madder he gets, the stronger he gets!
* Over 20 specialized attack and defense combos available to pound your way through!
* Full 3-D graphics designed on Silicon Graphics workstations!
* Over 14 levels of challenging game play!
* Hidden paths and areas to uncover powerful Pantheon members!