Druddigon are vicious and cunning. They take up residence in nests dug out by other Pokémon, treating the stolen nests as their own lairs.
It warms its body by absorbing sunlight with its wings. When its body temperature falls, it can no longer move.
It races through narrow caves, using its sharp claws to catch prey. The skin on its face is harder than a rock.
It runs through the narrow tunnels formed by Excadrill and Onix. It uses its sharp claws to catch prey.
The red skin on its face is harder than rock. In narrow caves, it squares off against its enemies and charges face-first right into them.
It infiltrates tunnels that Pokémon like Diglett and Dugtrio have dug and quietly waits for prey to pass through.
Druddigon lives in caves, but it never skips sunbathing—it won’t be able to move if its body gets too cold.
Druddigon are vicious and cunning. They take up residence in nests dug out by other Pokémon, treating the stolen nests as their own lairs.
It warms its body by absorbing sunlight with its wings. When its body temperature falls, it can no longer move.
It races through narrow caves, using its sharp claws to catch prey. The skin on its face is harder than a rock.
It runs through the narrow tunnels formed by Excadrill and Onix. It uses its sharp claws to catch prey.
The red skin on its face is harder than rock. In narrow caves, it squares off against its enemies and charges face-first right into them.
It infiltrates tunnels that Pokémon like Diglett and Dugtrio have dug and quietly waits for prey to pass through.
Druddigon lives in caves, but it never skips sunbathing—it won’t be able to move if its body gets too cold.
Druddigon are vicious and cunning. They take up residence in nests dug out by other Pokémon, treating the stolen nests as their own lairs.
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- Rough Skin
Damages attacking Pokémon for 1/8 their max HP on contact.
- Sheer Force
Strengthens moves with extra effects to 1.3× their power, but prevents their extra effects.
- Mold Breaker
Bypasses targets' abilities if they could hinder or prevent a move.
Takes 2× damage from
Takes 1× damage from
Takes ¼× damage from
Druddigon are vicious and cunning. They take up residence in nests dug out by other Pokémon, treating the stolen nests as their own lairs.
It warms its body by absorbing sunlight with its wings. When its body temperature falls, it can no longer move.
It races through narrow caves, using its sharp claws to catch prey. The skin on its face is harder than a rock.
It runs through the narrow tunnels formed by Excadrill and Onix. It uses its sharp claws to catch prey.
The red skin on its face is harder than rock. In narrow caves, it squares off against its enemies and charges face-first right into them.
It infiltrates tunnels that Pokémon like Diglett and Dugtrio have dug and quietly waits for prey to pass through.
Druddigon lives in caves, but it never skips sunbathing—it won’t be able to move if its body gets too cold.
Druddigon are vicious and cunning. They take up residence in nests dug out by other Pokémon, treating the stolen nests as their own lairs.
It warms its body by absorbing sunlight with its wings. When its body temperature falls, it can no longer move.
It races through narrow caves, using its sharp claws to catch prey. The skin on its face is harder than a rock.
It runs through the narrow tunnels formed by Excadrill and Onix. It uses its sharp claws to catch prey.
The red skin on its face is harder than rock. In narrow caves, it squares off against its enemies and charges face-first right into them.
It infiltrates tunnels that Pokémon like Diglett and Dugtrio have dug and quietly waits for prey to pass through.
Druddigon lives in caves, but it never skips sunbathing—it won’t be able to move if its body gets too cold.
Druddigon are vicious and cunning. They take up residence in nests dug out by other Pokémon, treating the stolen nests as their own lairs.
- Rough Skin
Damages attacking Pokémon for 1/8 their max HP on contact.
- Sheer Force
Strengthens moves with extra effects to 1.3× their power, but prevents their extra effects.
- Mold Breaker
Bypasses targets' abilities if they could hinder or prevent a move.