Once each year, this Pokémon scatters its seeds. They’re jam-packed with nutrients, making them a precious food source out in the desert.
It uses an up-tempo song and dance to drive away the bird Pokémon that prey on its flower seeds.
Arid regions are their habitat. They move rhythmically, making a sound similar to maracas.
When it moves rhythmically, it makes a sound similar to maracas, making the surprised Pokémon flee.
With noises that could be mistaken for the rattles of maracas, it creates an upbeat rhythm, startling bird Pokémon and making them fly off in a hurry.
Once each year, this Pokémon scatters its seeds. They’re jam-packed with nutrients, making them a precious food source out in the desert.
It uses an up-tempo song and dance to drive away the bird Pokémon that prey on its flower seeds.
Arid regions are their habitat. They move rhythmically, making a sound similar to maracas.
When it moves rhythmically, it makes a sound similar to maracas, making the surprised Pokémon flee.
With noises that could be mistaken for the rattles of maracas, it creates an upbeat rhythm, startling bird Pokémon and making them fly off in a hurry.
Once each year, this Pokémon scatters its seeds. They’re jam-packed with nutrients, making them a precious food source out in the desert.
Loading version groups...
- Water Absorb
Absorbs water moves, healing for 1/4 max HP.
- Chlorophyll
Doubles Speed during strong sunlight.
- Storm Drain
Redirects single-target water moves to this Pokémon where possible. Absorbs Water moves, raising Special Attack one stage.
Takes 2× damage from
Takes 1× damage from
Takes ¼× damage from
Egg Groups:
Egg Cycles:
20 cyclesOnce each year, this Pokémon scatters its seeds. They’re jam-packed with nutrients, making them a precious food source out in the desert.
It uses an up-tempo song and dance to drive away the bird Pokémon that prey on its flower seeds.
Arid regions are their habitat. They move rhythmically, making a sound similar to maracas.
When it moves rhythmically, it makes a sound similar to maracas, making the surprised Pokémon flee.
With noises that could be mistaken for the rattles of maracas, it creates an upbeat rhythm, startling bird Pokémon and making them fly off in a hurry.
Once each year, this Pokémon scatters its seeds. They’re jam-packed with nutrients, making them a precious food source out in the desert.
It uses an up-tempo song and dance to drive away the bird Pokémon that prey on its flower seeds.
Arid regions are their habitat. They move rhythmically, making a sound similar to maracas.
When it moves rhythmically, it makes a sound similar to maracas, making the surprised Pokémon flee.
With noises that could be mistaken for the rattles of maracas, it creates an upbeat rhythm, startling bird Pokémon and making them fly off in a hurry.
Once each year, this Pokémon scatters its seeds. They’re jam-packed with nutrients, making them a precious food source out in the desert.
- Water Absorb
Absorbs water moves, healing for 1/4 max HP.
- Chlorophyll
Doubles Speed during strong sunlight.
- Storm Drain
Redirects single-target water moves to this Pokémon where possible. Absorbs Water moves, raising Special Attack one stage.