After stunning its opponents with the pattern on its stomach, it quickly wraps them up in its body and waits for them to stop moving.
It is rumored that the ferocious warning markings on its belly differ from area to area.
The frightening patterns on its belly have been studied. Six variations have been confirmed.
Transfixing prey with the face-like pattern on its belly, it binds and poisons the frightened victim.
With a very vengeful nature, it won’t give up the chase, no matter how far, once it targets its prey.
To intimidate foes, it spreads its chest wide and makes eerie sounds by expelling air from its mouth.
This Pokémon is terrifically strong in order to constrict things with its body. It can even flatten steel oil drums. Once Arbok wraps its body around its foe, escaping its crunching embrace is impossible.
This POKéMON has a terrifically strong constricting power. It can even flatten steel oil drums. Once it wraps its body around its foe, escaping is impossible.
The pattern on its belly appears to be a frightening face. Weak foes will flee just at the sight of the pattern.
The latest research has determined that there are over 20 possible arrangements of the patterns on its stomach.
After stunning its opponents with the pattern on its stomach, it quickly wraps them up in its body and waits for them to stop moving.
It is rumored that the ferocious warning markings on its belly differ from area to area.
The frightening patterns on its belly have been studied. Six variations have been confirmed.
Transfixing prey with the face-like pattern on its belly, it binds and poisons the frightened victim.
With a very vengeful nature, it won’t give up the chase, no matter how far, once it targets its prey.
To intimidate foes, it spreads its chest wide and makes eerie sounds by expelling air from its mouth.
This Pokémon is terrifically strong in order to constrict things with its body. It can even flatten steel oil drums. Once Arbok wraps its body around its foe, escaping its crunching embrace is impossible.
This POKéMON has a terrifically strong constricting power. It can even flatten steel oil drums. Once it wraps its body around its foe, escaping is impossible.
The pattern on its belly appears to be a frightening face. Weak foes will flee just at the sight of the pattern.
The latest research has determined that there are over 20 possible arrangements of the patterns on its stomach.
After stunning its opponents with the pattern on its stomach, it quickly wraps them up in its body and waits for them to stop moving.
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- Intimidate
Lowers opponents' Attack one stage upon entering battle.
- Shed Skin
Has a 33% chance of curing any major status ailment after each turn.
- Unnerve
Prevents opposing Pokémon from eating held Berries.
Takes 2× damage from
Takes 1× damage from
Takes ¼× damage from
After stunning its opponents with the pattern on its stomach, it quickly wraps them up in its body and waits for them to stop moving.
It is rumored that the ferocious warning markings on its belly differ from area to area.
The frightening patterns on its belly have been studied. Six variations have been confirmed.
Transfixing prey with the face-like pattern on its belly, it binds and poisons the frightened victim.
With a very vengeful nature, it won’t give up the chase, no matter how far, once it targets its prey.
To intimidate foes, it spreads its chest wide and makes eerie sounds by expelling air from its mouth.
This Pokémon is terrifically strong in order to constrict things with its body. It can even flatten steel oil drums. Once Arbok wraps its body around its foe, escaping its crunching embrace is impossible.
This POKéMON has a terrifically strong constricting power. It can even flatten steel oil drums. Once it wraps its body around its foe, escaping is impossible.
The pattern on its belly appears to be a frightening face. Weak foes will flee just at the sight of the pattern.
The latest research has determined that there are over 20 possible arrangements of the patterns on its stomach.
After stunning its opponents with the pattern on its stomach, it quickly wraps them up in its body and waits for them to stop moving.
It is rumored that the ferocious warning markings on its belly differ from area to area.
The frightening patterns on its belly have been studied. Six variations have been confirmed.
Transfixing prey with the face-like pattern on its belly, it binds and poisons the frightened victim.
With a very vengeful nature, it won’t give up the chase, no matter how far, once it targets its prey.
To intimidate foes, it spreads its chest wide and makes eerie sounds by expelling air from its mouth.
This Pokémon is terrifically strong in order to constrict things with its body. It can even flatten steel oil drums. Once Arbok wraps its body around its foe, escaping its crunching embrace is impossible.
This POKéMON has a terrifically strong constricting power. It can even flatten steel oil drums. Once it wraps its body around its foe, escaping is impossible.
The pattern on its belly appears to be a frightening face. Weak foes will flee just at the sight of the pattern.
The latest research has determined that there are over 20 possible arrangements of the patterns on its stomach.
After stunning its opponents with the pattern on its stomach, it quickly wraps them up in its body and waits for them to stop moving.
- Intimidate
Lowers opponents' Attack one stage upon entering battle.
- Shed Skin
Has a 33% chance of curing any major status ailment after each turn.
- Unnerve
Prevents opposing Pokémon from eating held Berries.