Evolution Chain
- TirtougaGeneration V
- CarracostaGeneration VLv
This Pokémon emerges from the water in search of prey despite the fact that it moves more slowly on land.
They can live both in the ocean and on land. A slap from one of them is enough to open a hole in the bottom of a tanker.
Incredible jaw strength enables them to chew up steel beams and rocks along with their prey.
It could knock out a foe with a slap from one of its developed front appendages and chew it up, shell or bones and all.
It constructed its sturdy shell by crunching and swallowing the hard shells or bones of its prey.
Active both on land and in the sea, this Pokémon drags its land-based prey into the water to finish it off.
Its jaws are terrifyingly powerful. It could eat Omastar and Omanyte whole and not be bothered in the slightest by their shells.
Carracosta eats every last bit of the prey it catches, even the shells and bones, to further strengthen its sturdy shell.
Carracosta completely devours its prey—bones, shells, and all. Because of this, Carracosta’s own shell grows thick and sturdy.
This Pokémon emerges from the water in search of prey despite the fact that it moves more slowly on land.
They can live both in the ocean and on land. A slap from one of them is enough to open a hole in the bottom of a tanker.
Incredible jaw strength enables them to chew up steel beams and rocks along with their prey.
It could knock out a foe with a slap from one of its developed front appendages and chew it up, shell or bones and all.
It constructed its sturdy shell by crunching and swallowing the hard shells or bones of its prey.
Active both on land and in the sea, this Pokémon drags its land-based prey into the water to finish it off.
Its jaws are terrifyingly powerful. It could eat Omastar and Omanyte whole and not be bothered in the slightest by their shells.
Carracosta eats every last bit of the prey it catches, even the shells and bones, to further strengthen its sturdy shell.
Carracosta completely devours its prey—bones, shells, and all. Because of this, Carracosta’s own shell grows thick and sturdy.
This Pokémon emerges from the water in search of prey despite the fact that it moves more slowly on land.
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- Solid Rock
Decreases damage taken from super-effective moves by 1/4.
- Sturdy
Prevents being KOed from full HP, leaving 1 HP instead. Protects against the one-hit KO moves regardless of HP.
- Swift Swim
Doubles Speed during rain.
Takes 2× damage from
Takes 1× damage from
Takes ½× damage from
Takes ¼× damage from
This Pokémon emerges from the water in search of prey despite the fact that it moves more slowly on land.
They can live both in the ocean and on land. A slap from one of them is enough to open a hole in the bottom of a tanker.
Incredible jaw strength enables them to chew up steel beams and rocks along with their prey.
It could knock out a foe with a slap from one of its developed front appendages and chew it up, shell or bones and all.
It constructed its sturdy shell by crunching and swallowing the hard shells or bones of its prey.
Active both on land and in the sea, this Pokémon drags its land-based prey into the water to finish it off.
Its jaws are terrifyingly powerful. It could eat Omastar and Omanyte whole and not be bothered in the slightest by their shells.
Carracosta eats every last bit of the prey it catches, even the shells and bones, to further strengthen its sturdy shell.
Carracosta completely devours its prey—bones, shells, and all. Because of this, Carracosta’s own shell grows thick and sturdy.
This Pokémon emerges from the water in search of prey despite the fact that it moves more slowly on land.
They can live both in the ocean and on land. A slap from one of them is enough to open a hole in the bottom of a tanker.
Incredible jaw strength enables them to chew up steel beams and rocks along with their prey.
It could knock out a foe with a slap from one of its developed front appendages and chew it up, shell or bones and all.
It constructed its sturdy shell by crunching and swallowing the hard shells or bones of its prey.
Active both on land and in the sea, this Pokémon drags its land-based prey into the water to finish it off.
Its jaws are terrifyingly powerful. It could eat Omastar and Omanyte whole and not be bothered in the slightest by their shells.
Carracosta eats every last bit of the prey it catches, even the shells and bones, to further strengthen its sturdy shell.
Carracosta completely devours its prey—bones, shells, and all. Because of this, Carracosta’s own shell grows thick and sturdy.
This Pokémon emerges from the water in search of prey despite the fact that it moves more slowly on land.
- Solid Rock
Decreases damage taken from super-effective moves by 1/4.
- Sturdy
Prevents being KOed from full HP, leaving 1 HP instead. Protects against the one-hit KO moves regardless of HP.
- Swift Swim
Doubles Speed during rain.