Evolution Chain
- CottoneeGeneration V
- WhimsicottGeneration V
Weaving together the cotton of both Cottonee and Eldegoss produces exquisite cloth that’s highly prized by many luxury brands.
When attacked, it expels cotton from its body to create a diversion. The cotton it loses grows back in quickly.
They go wherever the wind takes them. On rainy days, their bodies are heavier, so they take shelter beneath big trees.
Perhaps because they feel more at ease in a group, they stick to others they find. They end up looking like a cloud.
When it finds others of its kind, they all stick together. When enough of them have collected, the mass resembles a cumulonimbus cloud.
Pillows and beds stuffed with cotton exhaled by Cottonee are soft and puffy, light and airy— altogether top quality.
To protect itself, it shoots cotton from its body. When it gets wet in the rain, its cotton grows moist and heavy, and it can’t move as well.
It shoots cotton from its body to protect itself. If it gets caught up in hurricane-strength winds, it can get sent to the other side of the Earth.
Weaving together the cotton of both Cottonee and Eldegoss produces exquisite cloth that’s highly prized by many luxury brands.
When attacked, it expels cotton from its body to create a diversion. The cotton it loses grows back in quickly.
They go wherever the wind takes them. On rainy days, their bodies are heavier, so they take shelter beneath big trees.
Perhaps because they feel more at ease in a group, they stick to others they find. They end up looking like a cloud.
When it finds others of its kind, they all stick together. When enough of them have collected, the mass resembles a cumulonimbus cloud.
Pillows and beds stuffed with cotton exhaled by Cottonee are soft and puffy, light and airy— altogether top quality.
To protect itself, it shoots cotton from its body. When it gets wet in the rain, its cotton grows moist and heavy, and it can’t move as well.
It shoots cotton from its body to protect itself. If it gets caught up in hurricane-strength winds, it can get sent to the other side of the Earth.
Weaving together the cotton of both Cottonee and Eldegoss produces exquisite cloth that’s highly prized by many luxury brands.
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- Prankster
Raises non-damaging moves' priority by one stage.
- Infiltrator
Bypasses light screen, reflect, and safeguard.
- Chlorophyll
Doubles Speed during strong sunlight.
Takes 2× damage from
Takes 1× damage from
Takes ½× damage from
Takes ¼× damage from
Weaving together the cotton of both Cottonee and Eldegoss produces exquisite cloth that’s highly prized by many luxury brands.
When attacked, it expels cotton from its body to create a diversion. The cotton it loses grows back in quickly.
They go wherever the wind takes them. On rainy days, their bodies are heavier, so they take shelter beneath big trees.
Perhaps because they feel more at ease in a group, they stick to others they find. They end up looking like a cloud.
When it finds others of its kind, they all stick together. When enough of them have collected, the mass resembles a cumulonimbus cloud.
Pillows and beds stuffed with cotton exhaled by Cottonee are soft and puffy, light and airy— altogether top quality.
To protect itself, it shoots cotton from its body. When it gets wet in the rain, its cotton grows moist and heavy, and it can’t move as well.
It shoots cotton from its body to protect itself. If it gets caught up in hurricane-strength winds, it can get sent to the other side of the Earth.
Weaving together the cotton of both Cottonee and Eldegoss produces exquisite cloth that’s highly prized by many luxury brands.
When attacked, it expels cotton from its body to create a diversion. The cotton it loses grows back in quickly.
They go wherever the wind takes them. On rainy days, their bodies are heavier, so they take shelter beneath big trees.
Perhaps because they feel more at ease in a group, they stick to others they find. They end up looking like a cloud.
When it finds others of its kind, they all stick together. When enough of them have collected, the mass resembles a cumulonimbus cloud.
Pillows and beds stuffed with cotton exhaled by Cottonee are soft and puffy, light and airy— altogether top quality.
To protect itself, it shoots cotton from its body. When it gets wet in the rain, its cotton grows moist and heavy, and it can’t move as well.
It shoots cotton from its body to protect itself. If it gets caught up in hurricane-strength winds, it can get sent to the other side of the Earth.
Weaving together the cotton of both Cottonee and Eldegoss produces exquisite cloth that’s highly prized by many luxury brands.
- Prankster
Raises non-damaging moves' priority by one stage.
- Infiltrator
Bypasses light screen, reflect, and safeguard.
- Chlorophyll
Doubles Speed during strong sunlight.