Legend has it that the residents of a sunken ancient city changed into these Pokémon.
With its thin, veil-like arms wrapped around the body of its opponent, it sinks to the ocean floor.
They paralyze prey with poison, then drag them down to their lairs, five miles below the surface.
If its veil-like arms stun and wrap a foe, that foe will be dragged miles below the surface, never to return.
It wraps its veillike arms and legs around prey swimming by and drags them down to the depths of the ocean.
Using the invisible poison spikes on its veillike arms and legs, it paralyzes its enemies and causes them to drown.
It envelops its prey in its veillike arms and draws it down to the deeps, five miles below the ocean’s surface.
Legend has it that the residents of a sunken ancient city changed into these Pokémon.
With its thin, veil-like arms wrapped around the body of its opponent, it sinks to the ocean floor.
They paralyze prey with poison, then drag them down to their lairs, five miles below the surface.
If its veil-like arms stun and wrap a foe, that foe will be dragged miles below the surface, never to return.
It wraps its veillike arms and legs around prey swimming by and drags them down to the depths of the ocean.
Using the invisible poison spikes on its veillike arms and legs, it paralyzes its enemies and causes them to drown.
It envelops its prey in its veillike arms and draws it down to the deeps, five miles below the ocean’s surface.
Legend has it that the residents of a sunken ancient city changed into these Pokémon.
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- Water Absorb
Absorbs water moves, healing for 1/4 max HP.
- Cursed Body
Has a 30% chance of Disabling any move that hits the Pokémon.
- Damp
Prevents self destruct, explosion, and aftermath from working while the Pokémon is in battle.
Takes 2× damage from
Takes 1× damage from
Takes ½× damage from
Takes ¼× damage from
Egg Groups:
Egg Cycles:
20 cyclesLegend has it that the residents of a sunken ancient city changed into these Pokémon.
With its thin, veil-like arms wrapped around the body of its opponent, it sinks to the ocean floor.
They paralyze prey with poison, then drag them down to their lairs, five miles below the surface.
If its veil-like arms stun and wrap a foe, that foe will be dragged miles below the surface, never to return.
It wraps its veillike arms and legs around prey swimming by and drags them down to the depths of the ocean.
Using the invisible poison spikes on its veillike arms and legs, it paralyzes its enemies and causes them to drown.
It envelops its prey in its veillike arms and draws it down to the deeps, five miles below the ocean’s surface.
Legend has it that the residents of a sunken ancient city changed into these Pokémon.
With its thin, veil-like arms wrapped around the body of its opponent, it sinks to the ocean floor.
They paralyze prey with poison, then drag them down to their lairs, five miles below the surface.
If its veil-like arms stun and wrap a foe, that foe will be dragged miles below the surface, never to return.
It wraps its veillike arms and legs around prey swimming by and drags them down to the depths of the ocean.
Using the invisible poison spikes on its veillike arms and legs, it paralyzes its enemies and causes them to drown.
It envelops its prey in its veillike arms and draws it down to the deeps, five miles below the ocean’s surface.
Legend has it that the residents of a sunken ancient city changed into these Pokémon.
- Water Absorb
Absorbs water moves, healing for 1/4 max HP.
- Cursed Body
Has a 30% chance of Disabling any move that hits the Pokémon.
- Damp
Prevents self destruct, explosion, and aftermath from working while the Pokémon is in battle.