This Pokémon flashes a bright light that blinds its prey. This creates an opening for it to deliver an electrical attack.
The light it emits is so bright that it can illuminate the sea’s surface from a depth of over three miles.
It blinds prey with an intense burst of light. With the prey incapacitated, the Pokémon swallows it in a single gulp.
This POKéMON uses the bright part of its body, which changed from a dorsal fin, to lure prey.
Lanturn is nicknamed “the deep-sea star” for its illuminated antenna. This Pokémon produces light by causing a chemical reaction between bacteria and its bodily fluids inside the antenna.
Lanturn is known to emit light. If you peer down into the dark sea from a ship at night, you can sometimes see this Pokémon’s light rising from the depths where it swims. It gives the sea an appearance of a starlit night.
The light-emitting orbs on its back are very bright. They are formed from a part of its dorsal fin. This POKéMON illuminates the inky darkness of deep seas.
Lanturn’s light can shine up from great depths. It is nicknamed “The Deep-Sea Star.”
Should you peer into the ocean at night and see a light shining like the stars, that is Lanturn.
When the bacteria living inside its antennae absorb Lanturn’s bodily fluids, a strong luminescent effect is produced.
It lives far down in the depths of the ocean. It blinds its prey with light, using the moment they’re dazzled to swallow them whole.
This Pokémon flashes a bright light that blinds its prey. This creates an opening for it to deliver an electrical attack.
The light it emits is so bright that it can illuminate the sea’s surface from a depth of over three miles.
It blinds prey with an intense burst of light. With the prey incapacitated, the Pokémon swallows it in a single gulp.
This POKéMON uses the bright part of its body, which changed from a dorsal fin, to lure prey.
Lanturn is nicknamed “the deep-sea star” for its illuminated antenna. This Pokémon produces light by causing a chemical reaction between bacteria and its bodily fluids inside the antenna.
Lanturn is known to emit light. If you peer down into the dark sea from a ship at night, you can sometimes see this Pokémon’s light rising from the depths where it swims. It gives the sea an appearance of a starlit night.
The light-emitting orbs on its back are very bright. They are formed from a part of its dorsal fin. This POKéMON illuminates the inky darkness of deep seas.
Lanturn’s light can shine up from great depths. It is nicknamed “The Deep-Sea Star.”
Should you peer into the ocean at night and see a light shining like the stars, that is Lanturn.
When the bacteria living inside its antennae absorb Lanturn’s bodily fluids, a strong luminescent effect is produced.
It lives far down in the depths of the ocean. It blinds its prey with light, using the moment they’re dazzled to swallow them whole.
This Pokémon flashes a bright light that blinds its prey. This creates an opening for it to deliver an electrical attack.
Loading version groups...
- Volt Absorb
Absorbs electric moves, healing for 1/4 max HP.
- Illuminate
Doubles the wild encounter rate.
- Water Absorb
Absorbs water moves, healing for 1/4 max HP.
Takes 2× damage from
Takes 1× damage from
Takes ½× damage from
Takes ¼× damage from
Egg Groups:
Egg Cycles:
20 cyclesThis Pokémon flashes a bright light that blinds its prey. This creates an opening for it to deliver an electrical attack.
The light it emits is so bright that it can illuminate the sea’s surface from a depth of over three miles.
It blinds prey with an intense burst of light. With the prey incapacitated, the Pokémon swallows it in a single gulp.
This POKéMON uses the bright part of its body, which changed from a dorsal fin, to lure prey.
Lanturn is nicknamed “the deep-sea star” for its illuminated antenna. This Pokémon produces light by causing a chemical reaction between bacteria and its bodily fluids inside the antenna.
Lanturn is known to emit light. If you peer down into the dark sea from a ship at night, you can sometimes see this Pokémon’s light rising from the depths where it swims. It gives the sea an appearance of a starlit night.
The light-emitting orbs on its back are very bright. They are formed from a part of its dorsal fin. This POKéMON illuminates the inky darkness of deep seas.
Lanturn’s light can shine up from great depths. It is nicknamed “The Deep-Sea Star.”
Should you peer into the ocean at night and see a light shining like the stars, that is Lanturn.
When the bacteria living inside its antennae absorb Lanturn’s bodily fluids, a strong luminescent effect is produced.
It lives far down in the depths of the ocean. It blinds its prey with light, using the moment they’re dazzled to swallow them whole.
This Pokémon flashes a bright light that blinds its prey. This creates an opening for it to deliver an electrical attack.
The light it emits is so bright that it can illuminate the sea’s surface from a depth of over three miles.
It blinds prey with an intense burst of light. With the prey incapacitated, the Pokémon swallows it in a single gulp.
This POKéMON uses the bright part of its body, which changed from a dorsal fin, to lure prey.
Lanturn is nicknamed “the deep-sea star” for its illuminated antenna. This Pokémon produces light by causing a chemical reaction between bacteria and its bodily fluids inside the antenna.
Lanturn is known to emit light. If you peer down into the dark sea from a ship at night, you can sometimes see this Pokémon’s light rising from the depths where it swims. It gives the sea an appearance of a starlit night.
The light-emitting orbs on its back are very bright. They are formed from a part of its dorsal fin. This POKéMON illuminates the inky darkness of deep seas.
Lanturn’s light can shine up from great depths. It is nicknamed “The Deep-Sea Star.”
Should you peer into the ocean at night and see a light shining like the stars, that is Lanturn.
When the bacteria living inside its antennae absorb Lanturn’s bodily fluids, a strong luminescent effect is produced.
It lives far down in the depths of the ocean. It blinds its prey with light, using the moment they’re dazzled to swallow them whole.
This Pokémon flashes a bright light that blinds its prey. This creates an opening for it to deliver an electrical attack.
- Volt Absorb
Absorbs electric moves, healing for 1/4 max HP.
- Illuminate
Doubles the wild encounter rate.
- Water Absorb
Absorbs water moves, healing for 1/4 max HP.