The petals on this Pokémon’s arms are thin and super sharp, and they can fire laser beams if Lurantis gathers light first.
It requires a lot of effort to maintain Lurantis’s vivid coloring, but some collectors enjoy this work and treat it as their hobby.
It fires beams from its sickle-shaped petals. These beams are powerful enough to cleave through thick metal plates.
For self-protection, it pretends to be a bug Pokémon. Both of its arms bear keen-edged petals.
As it slashes into its enemies, it looks like it’s dancing. Its elegant appearance has led some to call it the most glamorous Grass Pokémon.
This Pokémon resembles a beautiful flower. A properly raised Lurantis will have gorgeous, brilliant colors.
The petals on this Pokémon’s arms are thin and super sharp, and they can fire laser beams if Lurantis gathers light first.
It requires a lot of effort to maintain Lurantis’s vivid coloring, but some collectors enjoy this work and treat it as their hobby.
It fires beams from its sickle-shaped petals. These beams are powerful enough to cleave through thick metal plates.
For self-protection, it pretends to be a bug Pokémon. Both of its arms bear keen-edged petals.
As it slashes into its enemies, it looks like it’s dancing. Its elegant appearance has led some to call it the most glamorous Grass Pokémon.
This Pokémon resembles a beautiful flower. A properly raised Lurantis will have gorgeous, brilliant colors.
The petals on this Pokémon’s arms are thin and super sharp, and they can fire laser beams if Lurantis gathers light first.
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- Leaf Guard
Protects against major status ailments during strong sunlight.
- Contrary
Inverts stat changes.
Takes 2× damage from
Takes 1× damage from
Takes ¼× damage from
Egg Groups:
Egg Cycles:
20 cyclesThe petals on this Pokémon’s arms are thin and super sharp, and they can fire laser beams if Lurantis gathers light first.
It requires a lot of effort to maintain Lurantis’s vivid coloring, but some collectors enjoy this work and treat it as their hobby.
It fires beams from its sickle-shaped petals. These beams are powerful enough to cleave through thick metal plates.
For self-protection, it pretends to be a bug Pokémon. Both of its arms bear keen-edged petals.
As it slashes into its enemies, it looks like it’s dancing. Its elegant appearance has led some to call it the most glamorous Grass Pokémon.
This Pokémon resembles a beautiful flower. A properly raised Lurantis will have gorgeous, brilliant colors.
The petals on this Pokémon’s arms are thin and super sharp, and they can fire laser beams if Lurantis gathers light first.
It requires a lot of effort to maintain Lurantis’s vivid coloring, but some collectors enjoy this work and treat it as their hobby.
It fires beams from its sickle-shaped petals. These beams are powerful enough to cleave through thick metal plates.
For self-protection, it pretends to be a bug Pokémon. Both of its arms bear keen-edged petals.
As it slashes into its enemies, it looks like it’s dancing. Its elegant appearance has led some to call it the most glamorous Grass Pokémon.
This Pokémon resembles a beautiful flower. A properly raised Lurantis will have gorgeous, brilliant colors.
The petals on this Pokémon’s arms are thin and super sharp, and they can fire laser beams if Lurantis gathers light first.
- Leaf Guard
Protects against major status ailments during strong sunlight.
- Contrary
Inverts stat changes.