Rubbing its fleece generates electricity. You’ll want to pet it because it’s cute, but if you use your bare hand, you’ll get a painful shock.
If static electricity builds in its body, its fleece doubles in volume. Touching it will shock you.
Its fleece grows continually. In the summer, the fleece is fully shed, but it grows back in a week.
It stores lots of air in its soft fur, allowing it to stay cool in summer and warm in winter.
Mareep’s fluffy coat of wool rubs together and builds a static charge. The more static electricity is charged, the more brightly the lightbulb at the tip of its tail glows.
Its fluffy wool rubs together and builds a static charge. The more energy is charged, the more brightly the lightbulb at the tip of its tail glows.
Its fluffy coat swells to double when static electricity builds up. Touching it can be shocking.
When cold weather increases static electricity, its wool doubles in size and the tip of its tail glows slightly.
Clothing made from Mareep’s fleece is easily charged with static electricity, so a special process is used on it.
Rubbing its fleece generates electricity. You’ll want to pet it because it’s cute, but if you use your bare hand, you’ll get a painful shock.
If static electricity builds in its body, its fleece doubles in volume. Touching it will shock you.
Its fleece grows continually. In the summer, the fleece is fully shed, but it grows back in a week.
It stores lots of air in its soft fur, allowing it to stay cool in summer and warm in winter.
Mareep’s fluffy coat of wool rubs together and builds a static charge. The more static electricity is charged, the more brightly the lightbulb at the tip of its tail glows.
Its fluffy wool rubs together and builds a static charge. The more energy is charged, the more brightly the lightbulb at the tip of its tail glows.
Its fluffy coat swells to double when static electricity builds up. Touching it can be shocking.
When cold weather increases static electricity, its wool doubles in size and the tip of its tail glows slightly.
Clothing made from Mareep’s fleece is easily charged with static electricity, so a special process is used on it.
Rubbing its fleece generates electricity. You’ll want to pet it because it’s cute, but if you use your bare hand, you’ll get a painful shock.
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- Static
Has a 30% chance of paralyzing attacking Pokémon on contact.
- Plus
Increases Special Attack to 1.5× when a friendly Pokémon has plus or minus.
Takes 2× damage from
Takes 1× damage from
Takes ¼× damage from
Rubbing its fleece generates electricity. You’ll want to pet it because it’s cute, but if you use your bare hand, you’ll get a painful shock.
If static electricity builds in its body, its fleece doubles in volume. Touching it will shock you.
Its fleece grows continually. In the summer, the fleece is fully shed, but it grows back in a week.
It stores lots of air in its soft fur, allowing it to stay cool in summer and warm in winter.
Mareep’s fluffy coat of wool rubs together and builds a static charge. The more static electricity is charged, the more brightly the lightbulb at the tip of its tail glows.
Its fluffy wool rubs together and builds a static charge. The more energy is charged, the more brightly the lightbulb at the tip of its tail glows.
Its fluffy coat swells to double when static electricity builds up. Touching it can be shocking.
When cold weather increases static electricity, its wool doubles in size and the tip of its tail glows slightly.
Clothing made from Mareep’s fleece is easily charged with static electricity, so a special process is used on it.
Rubbing its fleece generates electricity. You’ll want to pet it because it’s cute, but if you use your bare hand, you’ll get a painful shock.
If static electricity builds in its body, its fleece doubles in volume. Touching it will shock you.
Its fleece grows continually. In the summer, the fleece is fully shed, but it grows back in a week.
It stores lots of air in its soft fur, allowing it to stay cool in summer and warm in winter.
Mareep’s fluffy coat of wool rubs together and builds a static charge. The more static electricity is charged, the more brightly the lightbulb at the tip of its tail glows.
Its fluffy wool rubs together and builds a static charge. The more energy is charged, the more brightly the lightbulb at the tip of its tail glows.
Its fluffy coat swells to double when static electricity builds up. Touching it can be shocking.
When cold weather increases static electricity, its wool doubles in size and the tip of its tail glows slightly.
Clothing made from Mareep’s fleece is easily charged with static electricity, so a special process is used on it.
Rubbing its fleece generates electricity. You’ll want to pet it because it’s cute, but if you use your bare hand, you’ll get a painful shock.
- Static
Has a 30% chance of paralyzing attacking Pokémon on contact.
- Plus
Increases Special Attack to 1.5× when a friendly Pokémon has plus or minus.