This is a very curious Pokémon. Smoochum decides what it likes and dislikes by touching things with its lips.
Its lips are the most sensitive part of its body. It always uses its lips first to examine things.
It always rocks its head slowly backwards and forwards as if it is trying to kiss someone.
The sensitivity of its lips develops most quickly. It uses them to try to identify unknown objects.
Smoochum actively runs about, but also falls quite often. Whenever the chance arrives, it will look for its reflection to make sure its face hasn’t become dirty.
It tests everything by touching with its lips, which remember what it likes and dislikes.
When it examines things, before touching them with its hands, it makes lip contact and then diligently licks all the dirt off its lips.
Highly perceptive sensors, Smoochum’s lips are kept moist by its daily application of tree sap.
If its face gets even slightly dirty, Smoochum will bathe immediately. But if its body gets dirty, Smoochum doesn’t really seem to care.
This is a very curious Pokémon. Smoochum decides what it likes and dislikes by touching things with its lips.
Its lips are the most sensitive part of its body. It always uses its lips first to examine things.
It always rocks its head slowly backwards and forwards as if it is trying to kiss someone.
The sensitivity of its lips develops most quickly. It uses them to try to identify unknown objects.
Smoochum actively runs about, but also falls quite often. Whenever the chance arrives, it will look for its reflection to make sure its face hasn’t become dirty.
It tests everything by touching with its lips, which remember what it likes and dislikes.
When it examines things, before touching them with its hands, it makes lip contact and then diligently licks all the dirt off its lips.
Highly perceptive sensors, Smoochum’s lips are kept moist by its daily application of tree sap.
If its face gets even slightly dirty, Smoochum will bathe immediately. But if its body gets dirty, Smoochum doesn’t really seem to care.
This is a very curious Pokémon. Smoochum decides what it likes and dislikes by touching things with its lips.
Loading version groups...
- Oblivious
Prevents infatuation and protects against captivate.
- Forewarn
Reveals the opponents' strongest move upon entering battle.
- Hydration
Cures any major status ailment after each turn during rain.
Takes 2× damage from
Takes 1× damage from
Takes ½× damage from
Egg Groups:
Egg Cycles:
25 cyclesThis is a very curious Pokémon. Smoochum decides what it likes and dislikes by touching things with its lips.
Its lips are the most sensitive part of its body. It always uses its lips first to examine things.
It always rocks its head slowly backwards and forwards as if it is trying to kiss someone.
The sensitivity of its lips develops most quickly. It uses them to try to identify unknown objects.
Smoochum actively runs about, but also falls quite often. Whenever the chance arrives, it will look for its reflection to make sure its face hasn’t become dirty.
It tests everything by touching with its lips, which remember what it likes and dislikes.
When it examines things, before touching them with its hands, it makes lip contact and then diligently licks all the dirt off its lips.
Highly perceptive sensors, Smoochum’s lips are kept moist by its daily application of tree sap.
If its face gets even slightly dirty, Smoochum will bathe immediately. But if its body gets dirty, Smoochum doesn’t really seem to care.
This is a very curious Pokémon. Smoochum decides what it likes and dislikes by touching things with its lips.
Its lips are the most sensitive part of its body. It always uses its lips first to examine things.
It always rocks its head slowly backwards and forwards as if it is trying to kiss someone.
The sensitivity of its lips develops most quickly. It uses them to try to identify unknown objects.
Smoochum actively runs about, but also falls quite often. Whenever the chance arrives, it will look for its reflection to make sure its face hasn’t become dirty.
It tests everything by touching with its lips, which remember what it likes and dislikes.
When it examines things, before touching them with its hands, it makes lip contact and then diligently licks all the dirt off its lips.
Highly perceptive sensors, Smoochum’s lips are kept moist by its daily application of tree sap.
If its face gets even slightly dirty, Smoochum will bathe immediately. But if its body gets dirty, Smoochum doesn’t really seem to care.
This is a very curious Pokémon. Smoochum decides what it likes and dislikes by touching things with its lips.
- Oblivious
Prevents infatuation and protects against captivate.
- Forewarn
Reveals the opponents' strongest move upon entering battle.
- Hydration
Cures any major status ailment after each turn during rain.