A single bite of Tyrantrum’s massive jaws will demolish a car. This Pokémon was the king of the ancient world.
Nothing could stop this Pokémon 100 million years ago, so it behaved like a king.
Thanks to its gargantuan jaws, which could shred thick metal plates as if they were paper, it was invincible in the ancient world it once inhabited.
Complete restoration is impossible, allowing room for theories that its entire body was once covered in a feather-like coat.
The king of the ancient world, it can easily crunch a car with the devastating strength of its enormous jaws.
This Pokémon is from about 100,000,000 years ago. It has the presence of a king, vicious but magnificent.
A single bite of Tyrantrum’s massive jaws will demolish a car. This Pokémon was the king of the ancient world.
Nothing could stop this Pokémon 100 million years ago, so it behaved like a king.
Thanks to its gargantuan jaws, which could shred thick metal plates as if they were paper, it was invincible in the ancient world it once inhabited.
Complete restoration is impossible, allowing room for theories that its entire body was once covered in a feather-like coat.
The king of the ancient world, it can easily crunch a car with the devastating strength of its enormous jaws.
This Pokémon is from about 100,000,000 years ago. It has the presence of a king, vicious but magnificent.
A single bite of Tyrantrum’s massive jaws will demolish a car. This Pokémon was the king of the ancient world.
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- Strong Jaw
Strengthens biting moves to 1.5× their power.
- Rock Head
Protects against recoil damage.
Takes 2× damage from
Takes 1× damage from
Takes ½× damage from
Takes ¼× damage from
A single bite of Tyrantrum’s massive jaws will demolish a car. This Pokémon was the king of the ancient world.
Nothing could stop this Pokémon 100 million years ago, so it behaved like a king.
Thanks to its gargantuan jaws, which could shred thick metal plates as if they were paper, it was invincible in the ancient world it once inhabited.
Complete restoration is impossible, allowing room for theories that its entire body was once covered in a feather-like coat.
The king of the ancient world, it can easily crunch a car with the devastating strength of its enormous jaws.
This Pokémon is from about 100,000,000 years ago. It has the presence of a king, vicious but magnificent.
A single bite of Tyrantrum’s massive jaws will demolish a car. This Pokémon was the king of the ancient world.
Nothing could stop this Pokémon 100 million years ago, so it behaved like a king.
Thanks to its gargantuan jaws, which could shred thick metal plates as if they were paper, it was invincible in the ancient world it once inhabited.
Complete restoration is impossible, allowing room for theories that its entire body was once covered in a feather-like coat.
The king of the ancient world, it can easily crunch a car with the devastating strength of its enormous jaws.
This Pokémon is from about 100,000,000 years ago. It has the presence of a king, vicious but magnificent.
A single bite of Tyrantrum’s massive jaws will demolish a car. This Pokémon was the king of the ancient world.
- Strong Jaw
Strengthens biting moves to 1.5× their power.
- Rock Head
Protects against recoil damage.