Swinub excels at sniffing out mushrooms buried beneath grass or snow. Since ancient times, the people of Hisui have often relied upon this skill.
It rubs its snout on the ground to find and dig up food. It sometimes discovers hot springs.
If it smells something enticing, it dashes off headlong to find the source of the aroma.
It uses the tip of its nose to dig for food. Its nose is so tough that even frozen ground poses no problem.
Swinub roots for food by rubbing its snout against the ground. Its favorite food is a mushroom that grows under the cover of dead grass. This Pokémon occasionally roots out hot springs.
It loves eating mushrooms that grow under dead grass. It also finds hot springs while foraging.
It has a very sensitive nose. It can locate mushrooms, berries, and even hot springs buried under ice.
Rooting the tip of its snout into the ground, it searches for food. Sometimes it even digs up a hot spring.
Swinub excels at sniffing out mushrooms buried beneath grass or snow. Since ancient times, the people of Hisui have often relied upon this skill.
It rubs its snout on the ground to find and dig up food. It sometimes discovers hot springs.
If it smells something enticing, it dashes off headlong to find the source of the aroma.
It uses the tip of its nose to dig for food. Its nose is so tough that even frozen ground poses no problem.
Swinub roots for food by rubbing its snout against the ground. Its favorite food is a mushroom that grows under the cover of dead grass. This Pokémon occasionally roots out hot springs.
It loves eating mushrooms that grow under dead grass. It also finds hot springs while foraging.
It has a very sensitive nose. It can locate mushrooms, berries, and even hot springs buried under ice.
Rooting the tip of its snout into the ground, it searches for food. Sometimes it even digs up a hot spring.
Swinub excels at sniffing out mushrooms buried beneath grass or snow. Since ancient times, the people of Hisui have often relied upon this skill.
Loading version groups...
- Oblivious
Prevents infatuation and protects against captivate.
- Snow Cloak
Increases evasion to 1.25× during hail. Protects against hail damage.
- Thick Fat
Halves damage from fire and ice moves.
Takes 2× damage from
Takes 1× damage from
Takes ½× damage from
Takes ¼× damage from
Egg Groups:
Egg Cycles:
20 cyclesSwinub excels at sniffing out mushrooms buried beneath grass or snow. Since ancient times, the people of Hisui have often relied upon this skill.
It rubs its snout on the ground to find and dig up food. It sometimes discovers hot springs.
If it smells something enticing, it dashes off headlong to find the source of the aroma.
It uses the tip of its nose to dig for food. Its nose is so tough that even frozen ground poses no problem.
Swinub roots for food by rubbing its snout against the ground. Its favorite food is a mushroom that grows under the cover of dead grass. This Pokémon occasionally roots out hot springs.
It loves eating mushrooms that grow under dead grass. It also finds hot springs while foraging.
It has a very sensitive nose. It can locate mushrooms, berries, and even hot springs buried under ice.
Rooting the tip of its snout into the ground, it searches for food. Sometimes it even digs up a hot spring.
Swinub excels at sniffing out mushrooms buried beneath grass or snow. Since ancient times, the people of Hisui have often relied upon this skill.
It rubs its snout on the ground to find and dig up food. It sometimes discovers hot springs.
If it smells something enticing, it dashes off headlong to find the source of the aroma.
It uses the tip of its nose to dig for food. Its nose is so tough that even frozen ground poses no problem.
Swinub roots for food by rubbing its snout against the ground. Its favorite food is a mushroom that grows under the cover of dead grass. This Pokémon occasionally roots out hot springs.
It loves eating mushrooms that grow under dead grass. It also finds hot springs while foraging.
It has a very sensitive nose. It can locate mushrooms, berries, and even hot springs buried under ice.
Rooting the tip of its snout into the ground, it searches for food. Sometimes it even digs up a hot spring.
Swinub excels at sniffing out mushrooms buried beneath grass or snow. Since ancient times, the people of Hisui have often relied upon this skill.
- Oblivious
Prevents infatuation and protects against captivate.
- Snow Cloak
Increases evasion to 1.25× during hail. Protects against hail damage.
- Thick Fat
Halves damage from fire and ice moves.